20’ Aztec Calendar – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This was part of a community art project with YouthBuild which is a Department of Labor program for youth that are 16-24 years old. In this program, they obtain their GED and get hands-on construction training and experience. Part of their curriculum includes completing a community art project. This Aztec Calendar was selected because of how it ties into history, math and the carpentry that it took to create this piece. This was installed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin which is one of the most segregated cities in the United States. It was strategically placed on the north side of Milwaukee which is comprised of neighborhoods that are predominantly African American and Asian. Therefore, this area was selected to install this piece at it represents Mexican culture and served as an attempt to facilitate conversations on different cultures. It was a small way that this cohort wanted to address the segregation that exists within their city. Additional lead artist included Chacho Lopez (@chacholopeztattoos) and Fred Kaems (@fredtheartist). It took 6 months to complete. This project was funded and supported by the Department of Workforce Development and La Casa de Esperanza.