Our Portfolio of Successful Projects
At Painting It Forward, we strive to install murals that represent the people and culture of each unique area. We seek input and feedback on designs from the respective community before painting to ensure that we are portraying what they believe is a true representation of their community, state, and/or country. We aim to find and support areas of the world that are underserved and overlooked by others. We have found that regardless of where one goes in the world, the more rural an area is, the more likely that they do not receive the same level of resources as larger urban areas. This is not always the case, and many times, urban areas throughout the world also have a shortage of resources. Regardless of location, we like to provide these murals to schools and communities that have such limited resources that hiring a muralist would be an impossibility. Therefore, we like to make the impossible not only possible but reality.
Creating Meaningful Impact in Schools and Local Communities
Over the years, specific projects have allowed us to leave a meaningful impact with murals in over 40 schools within underserved communities throughout the world. We have also had the honor of working with some fantastic people across the world to create over 100 murals outside of schools but within community centers or gathering areas. The collection of photos and videos is just a small sample of murals that were painted for schools in the United States, Mexico, South and Central America, and Southeast Asia.